Configuring and Managing Host-Based X.25 Links - Edition 5 (36939-90054)

Chapter 6 119
Configuring X.25 Links Step-by-Step
Modify the Network Management Configuration File
Figure 6-3 NS Configuration Screen
1. If you are using domain names for network access, replace the node
name in the field at the bottom of the screen with this system’s
domain name and press the
[Save Data] key. If not using domain
names, leave the local HP 3000 node name in this field.
2. Press the [Guided Config] key to proceed with guided configuration of
X.25 iX System Access.
Local domain
name The name of this system in the ARPANET standard
format. This name can be used by other nodes on the
network to access this host.
The domain name is composed of labels, with each label
separated by a period. Each label must start with a
letter or digit, and have as interior characters only
letters, digits, hyphens (-), or underbars (_). A domain
name may have any number of labels, but its total
length, including periods, is limited to 255 characters.
Domain names are not case sensitive.
Use of domain names is optional. If you are not using
domain names for network access, leave the local
HP 3000 node name in this field.