Configuring and Managing Host-Based X.25 Links - Edition 5 (36939-90054)

140 Chapter7
Managing Networks with DTCCNTRL
Dynamic Configuration uses both files NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS and
NMCONFIX.PUB.SYS to manage the devices created by the DTS
subsystem. When users wish to make any dynamic change, NMMGR
will be used to modify the configuration in NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. When
DTCCNTRL is invoked, either within or from outside of NMMGR,
NMCONFIG will be compared to NMCONFIX and the desired changes
will be made to the system configuration. When the operation has
completed successfully, the changes will be written to NMCONFIX. The
configuration in NMCONFIX will always match the actual
configuration of the DTS subsystem.
If any errors are encountered, then information will be saved in the
NMCONFIG file that will allow DTCCNTRL to be re-invoked to complete
the changes at a later time. If an operation is partially successful, then
those changes that are successful will be written to NMCONFIX. For
example, if you delete two ldevs and the second ldev can't be deleted
because it is in use, then DTCCNTRL will save information that will
allow the second ldev to be deleted once the device is no longer in use.
If ANY other configuration file is copied to NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS or
NMCONFIX.PUB.SYS then dynamic configuration will be disabled until
a DTS shutdown and restart is done or the system is rebooted. This
includes other files from the same system or files copied from other
If there is some operation that fails, and you wish to undo the change,
you can use NMMGR to change the appropriate screens back to what
they were and then invoke DTCCNTRL.
Follow the steps below to dynamically configure DTS changes. Refer to
chapter 3, for more detailed steps on the DTS configuration process
using NMMGR for host-based and PC-based DTC management,
1. Run the NMMGR program and make all desired DTS configuration
changes. The network management configuration file must be
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS for the configuration changes to become active
If you are changing profile characteristics, you can see which ldevs and
DTCs will be affected by the change by pressing the
[Assoc Ldevs]
function key on the profile screen corresponding to the profile you are
changing. After pressing this key, you will see a list of all ldevs using
this profile in the DTCs configured in DTS.