Configuring and Managing Host-Based X.25 Links - Edition 5 (36939-90054)

28 Chapter2
Preparing to Configure DTCs
Defining the HP 3000 System
Defining the HP 3000 System
The following configuration parameters are required to define the
HP 3000 host for asynchronous device connections.
Local HP 3000
Node Name The name by which the HP 3000 Series 900 computer is
known in your network. The format of a node name is
nodename.domain.organization, where each field can
contain 16 or fewer characters (alphanumeric,
underscores, or hyphens). The first character of each
field must be alphabetic. For example:
Link Name The link name that is used by the HP 3000’s
Datacommunications and Terminal Subsystem (DTS)
when device connections are established. It must start
with a letter and can be up to eight alphanumeric
characters. DTSLINK is the default and should be used
for your DTS configuration.
Physical Path
of LAN2C
(Slot # of
LANIC Card) The location of the LANIC (Local Area Network
Interface Controller Card) in the system’s backplane.
The location (slot number) of the LANIC within the
cabinet must be specified.
The default physical paths (slot numbers) of the LANIC
for HP 3000 computers are listed here. These defaults
optimize performance and use of the computer’s cabinet
space. Before moving the LANIC into another slot,
consult an HP representative.
HP 3000 Systems Slot Number
920, 922, 935, 932, 935, or 949 with HPIB 4.3
920, 925, 935, or 949 with ALINK 4.2
9X7 56
9X8 56/56
930 8.4
950, 955, 960, 980 2/4.2
990/992, 991/995 0/40