HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

4- 109
M[ODIFY] R[ELATIONSHIP] entity-name1
[,entity-name3 ]
[,entity-name4 ]
[,entity-name5 ]
[,entity-name6 ]
;R[ELATIONSHIP-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name1
[,entity-type-name3 ]
[,entity-type-name4 ]
[,entity-type-name5 ]
[,entity-type-name6 ]
[;R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] = relation-class-name]
[;A[TTRIBUTE-]L[IST]=([ attribute-name1 =[attribute-value1 ]]
[,attribute-name2 =[attribute-value2 ]]
[,attribute-nameN =[attribute-valueN ]])]
[;C[OMMON] = [ common-entity-name1
[,common-entity-name3 ]
[,common-entity-name4 ]
[,common-entity-name5 ]
[,common-entity-name6 ]]]
entity-name(N) Name of the entity involved in the relationship whose attributes are to be modified.
entity-type-name(N) Name of the entity type involved in the relationship type.
relation-class-name Name of the relationship class.
attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute to be modified.
attribute-value(N) New value for the attribute being modified.
common-entity- Name of the entity involved in the relationship in