HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

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read Any scope with read capability may read the relationship. The owner scope may, in
addition, assign modify access to other scopes by associating the relationship to the
scope by means of the ADD SCOPE-RELATIONSHIP command.
modify Any scope with read capability may read the relationship. Any scope with create ca-
pability may read and modify the relationship.
If the sensitivity is modified from read or modify to private, all scopes that previously had access to this
relationship will no longer have access, unless the relationship is explicitly associated with the scope. The
relationship-position attribute is treated specially by the system. This attribute is used as a sequencing
number to order relationships with the same parent entity (i.e. to represent the order of elements in a
record). Accordingly, two relationships of a type with the same entity in the first position cannot have the
same value for relationship-position. If specified without a value, the system assigns a relationship-
position value to place the relationship at the end of the current list (assigns a value of greater than the
largest currently assigned to another relationship with the same parent entity). Note that this is different
from other default values as the default depends on the values assigned to other relationships and is
different for each relationship. As defaulting the relationship-position value can cause the reordering of a
relationship list, you should consider the effects before assigning a default value for this attribute. If the
relationship is linked to a relationship in the common domain, the sensitivity for this relationship cannot
be changed to a sensitivity greater than the sensitivity of the relationship in the common domain. To link
the relationship to a relationship in the common domain, the current version must be linked to a version in
the common domain.
Open Mode: Shared-update or exclusive-update
Scope: DA scope or any scope with create capability and modify access to the relationship
The following example modifies the inventory-control contains item-master relationship of the relationship
type image-database contains image-dataset. The blocking-factor was changed to 256 and the capacity
was changed to 501.
>MODIFY RELATIONSHIP inventory-control, item-master;
>>RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = image-database, image-dataset;
>>ATTRIBUTE-LIST = (blocking-factor = 256, capacity = 501).
Modifies a relationship class.
M[ODIFY] R[ELATIONSHIP-]C[LASS] relation-class-name
[;S[COPE-]O[WNER] = scope-owner-name ]
relation-class-name Name of the relationship class to be modified.