HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

CAUSE A period was expected in the indicated position if any character is present.
ACTION Remove the unexpected character and replace them by a period or blanks.
1401 MESSAGE Expected a command or a period (SDERR 1401)
CAUSE The characters after the HELP command must be either a command or a period.
ACTION Remove the unexpected characters and replace them by a command, a period, or
1402 MESSAGE Command does not have a subcommand (SDERR 1402)
CAUSE The specified command does not have a subcommand.
ACTION Remove the subcommand from the command line. May want to check to see if the
desired command is specified correctly.
1403 MESSAGE Expected a subcommand or a period (SDERR 1403)
CAUSE The characters after the HELP command must be either a subcommand or a period.
ACTION Remove the unexpected characters and replace them by a subcommand, a period, or
1404 MESSAGE Macros do not have subcommands (SDERR 1404)
CAUSE Macros are identified by the name and cannot be qualified in the HELP command.
ACTION Reenter the command specifying only HELP and the macro name.
1405 MESSAGE Help not available for this macro definition (SDWARN 1405)
CAUSE The NOHELP option is specified in the definition for the requested macro so the HELP
command cannot be used to display its definition.
ACTION No action is needed. If the command definition should be accessible, edit the macro file
to remove the NOHELP option from the macro header.
Redo Messages (1425-1449)
1425 MESSAGECannot REDO a REDO command (SDERR 1425)
CAUSE REDO cannot be used to change a command into a REDO command.
ACTION Do not change a command being edited to a REDO command.
1426 MESSAGE REDO and SHOWREDO only allowed when input is from $STDINX (SDERR
CAUSE The REDO command and SHOWREDO command are only allowed when input is
interactive (or when running interactively and input is from a redirected STDIN).
ACTION Enter the entire command in the command file or batch job instead of trying to use
1427 MESSAGE No command has been entered to REDO (SDERR 1427)
CAUSE No command has been entered into the SDMAIN from the current input file yet.
ACTION Enter a command other than REDO. Then use REDO to reissue or correct the
command entered.