HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

CAUSE The domain being processed has been deleted or changed since the start of the
ACTION Do nothing if this is not a problem. If a problem, open the dictionary in EXCLUSIVE-
UPDATE mode and repeat the command.
1621 MESSAGE Entity deleted or changed during processing (SDWARN 1621)
CAUSE The entity being processed has been deleted or changed since the start of the operation.
ACTION Do nothing if this is not a problem. If a problem, open the dictionary in EXCLUSIVE-
UPDATE mode and repeat the command.
1622 MESSAGE Relationship deleted or changed during processing (SDWARN 1622)
CAUSE The relationship being processed has been deleted or changed since the start of the
ACTION Do nothing if this is not a problem. If a problem, open the dictionary in EXCLUSIVE-
UPDATE mode and repeat the command.
1623 MESSAGE Too many entities in ! for the relationship-type (SDERR 1623)
CAUSE The number of entities specified as composing the relationship is greater than the
number of entity types making up the relationship type.
ACTION Reduce the number of entities to no more than the number of entity types in the
relationship type.
1624 MESSAGE List entry ! is not allowed for compiled dictionaries (SDWARN 1624)
CAUSE The list entry specified is not allowed for compiled dictionaries. That functionality is
not available there.
ACTION No action is needed. The option will be ignored. This information is not implemented
in compiled dictionaries so you must move to a master dictionary to retrieve this
Start/Save Messages (1700-1724)
1700 MESSAGE START command has been cancelled (SDWARN 1700)
CAUSE The START/SAVE pair is cancelled so you are returned to the normal command
processing mode.
ACTION No action is needed.
1701 MESSAGE Create capability is required to SAVE a report (SDERR 1701)
CAUSE The current open scope does not have CREATE capability (scope right) and so cannot
SAVE a report. Accordingly, you are not allowed to initiate a START/SAVE pair.
ACTION Switch to a scope having create capability.
1702 MESSAGE A ! command has already been defined (SDERR 1702)
CAUSE Only one of the indicated command (CONFIGURE, FORMAT, or REPORT) can be
issued in each stored report.
ACTION No action is needed. The first instance of the command is stored with the report.