HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

1730 MESSAGE Scope lacks sufficient access to the report (SDERR 1730)
CAUSE The current scope does not have modify access to the specified report.
ACTION Only the owner can modify a report so open the dictionary as the owner to modify.
Execute Messages (1750-1799)
1750 MESSAGE Both ENTITY and RELATIONSHIP keywords cannot be specified (SDERR
CAUSE As the underlying report is either a REPORT ENTITY or a REPORT RELATIONSHIP,
only one of the ENTITY/RELATIONSHIP keywords can be specified.
ACTION Reissue the command deleting the unneeded keyword clause.
1751 MESSAGE Could NOT retrieve the report named ! (SDERR 1751)
CAUSE Cannot retrieve the specified report.
ACTION Refer to the associated error and correct the indicated problem.
1752 MESSAGE A ! command cannot be issued after a REPORT command (SDERR 1752)
CAUSE The specified command (CONFIGURE or FORMAT) cannot be placed after the
REPORT command in a stored report.
ACTION Use the EDIT REPORT command to move the indicated command to before the
REPORT command (or to delete it completely if there is already one before the
REPORT command).
1753 MESSAGE Cannot issue two ! commands (SDERR 1753)
CAUSE Two of the specified commands (CONFIGURE, FORMAT, or REPORT) are not allowed
in the same stored report.
ACTION Use the EDIT REPORT command to delete one of the indicated commands.
1754 MESSAGE ! is an invalid command in a stored report (SDERR 1754)
CAUSE The specified command is invalid in a stored report.
ACTION Use the EDIT REPORT command to remove the invalid command.
1755 MESSAGE The keyword is incompatible with the report type (SDERR 1755)
CAUSE Either the ENTITY keyword is specified and the stored command is a REPORT
RELATIONSHIP or the RELATIONSHIP keyword is specified and the stored
command is a REPORT ENTITY.
ACTION Reissue the command with the keyword corresponding to the stored command.
1756 MESSAGE Source and indicated entity-types do not match for report ! (SDERR 1756)
CAUSE The entity type of the REPORT command and the entity type specified by the
SOURCE-POSITION keyword are not the same.
ACTION Revise the REPORT command so that the specified source entity type matches the
entity type of the REPORT command.
1757 MESSAGE SOURCE-POSITION required as is > 1 match for report ! (SDERR 1757)