HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

CAUSE An error was encountered while retrieving information from the message catalog.
ACTION Contact the DA.
1801 MESSAGE Could not find message set ! in the catalog (SDERR 1801)
CAUSE The indicated message set could not be found in the catalog.
ACTION Contact the DA to get a new catalog with the indicated set present.
1802 MESSAGE Could not find message (set:number) ! in the catalog (SDERR 1802)
CAUSE Cannot find the desired message in the specified set in the catalog.
ACTION Contact the DA to get a new catalog with the indicated message present.
1810 MESSAGE Bad error message from FErrMsg Intrinsic (SDERR 1810)
CAUSE A file system error occurred, but the associated message cannot be retrieved from the
FErrMsg intrinsic.
ACTION Contact the DA.
1811 MESSAGE Error message ! not found in the catalog. Catalog error ! (SDERR 1811)
CAUSE The indicated error message cannot be found in the message catalog.
ACTION Contact the DA to get a new catalog with the indicated error message present.
1812 MESSAGE Native language error (SDERR 1812)
CAUSE An error was detected during a call to the Native Language Intrinsics.
ACTION Contact the DA. Internal Error.
1813 MESSAGE Date returned from the dictionary was invalid (SDERR 1813)
CAUSE The data for the DATE-CREATED or DATE-CHANGED attribute field is not in the
valid format for a System Dictionary date field.
ACTION Contact the DA. Internal error.
1814 MESSAGE Sort Intrinsic error number ! (SDWARN 1814)
CAUSE An error was detected during a call to the Sort intrinsics.
ACTION Use the NOSORT option in all cases so the error is avoided. In addition, contact the
DA. Internal Error.
1820 MESSAGE Heap overflow. Command is too complex (SDERR 1820)
CAUSE All of the available heap space in the system has been allocated. The command is too
long and/or complex.
ACTION Simplify the command by breaking it into two or more pieces and reissue the pieces.
CAUSE All of the available heap space in the system has been allocated. There are too many
nested levels in the REPORT command.
ACTION Limit the number of nested levels in the report and/or limit the amount of information
and qualification at each level of the report.
1821 MESSAGE Library error ! encountered. Terminate program (SDERR 1821)
CAUSE A Pascal error was encountered.