HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

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three exclamation points (! ! !) and then waits for you to re-enter the line.
[[Control]] Y Returns to the highest prompt level. In response to the >> prompt, the command termi-
nates without executing. In response to the > prompt, no action is taken and the >
prompt is reissued. If a START command is active, it is cancelled by the [[Control]] Y.
If input has been redirected using SDIN, the INCLUDE command, or a macro, all redi-
rected levels are exited and input is reset to $STDINX.
The HELP Command
A HELP command provides a quick reference to SDMAIN commands. You can use the HELP command to
receive the following information:
A list of all available commands
A list of valid subcommands for a particular command
The syntax for a particular command
The definition of a macro
HELP Command Environments
What you see after you issue the HELP command depends upon the state of the dictionary when you ask
for help. There are three different criteria that affect the responses to the HELP command:
The mode in which the dictionary is open
Whether or not a START command has been issued
Whether the dictionary is a compiled or master dictionary
Before the Dictionary is Opened. Before the dictionary is opened, you cannot use any of the dictionary
structure, data maintenance, or reporting commands, but you can use the environment commands such as
After the Dictionary is Opened. The dictionary may be opened in any of five different modes. These
modes are:
In addition, a sixth mode is possible if the dictionary is open in either exclusive update or shared update
mode, and a START/SAVE command pair is active. These modes determine what commands you are able
to use within SDMAIN,and what commands are displayed when you specify the HELP command.
Customization Mode. When the dictionary is open in customization mode, only environment commands
and structure commands are allowed. You have exclusive access to the dictionary and no one else can use
Exclusive-Update Mode. When the dictionary is open in exclusive-update mode, you may use the data
maintenance commands to create and maintain data occurrences. You can also use the dictionary
environment and dictionary reporting commands. You have exclusive access and no one else can have the
use of the dictionary while you are using it.
Shared-Update Mode. In shared-update mode, you may use the data maintenance commands to create