HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

3- 27
INCLUDE Defines the input environment.
OPTIONS Defines the SDMAIN environment.
REDO Allows error correction or changes to the last command issued.
SHOW Shows a list of all the current environment information.
SHOWMACRO Shows a list of all the currently defined macros for the system.
SHOWREDO Displays a list of commands currently on the redo history stack.
Dictionary Structure Commands
System Dictionary is based on the Entity-Relationship model. (See the HP System Dictionary/XL General Reference Manual, Volume
1 for a complete description.) Its structure consists of entity types, relationship types, relationship classes, and attributes. System
Dictionary supports a predefined set of entity types, relationship types, relationship classes, and attributes known as the core set.
(See the HP System Dictionary/XL General Reference Manual, Volume 1 for the complete listing of core set structures.)
Subsystem Support
The purpose of the core set is to provide a standard set of entity types, relationship types, relationship
classes, and attributes that are commonly used. This supports the description of the following:
MPE files
KSAM files
Vplus forms
MPE accounting structure
Network Spooler devices and device classes
Rapid/V (with some conversion)
Network directory
COBOL data definitions
Pascal data definitions (subset of Pascal data types)
RPG programs
Additionally, you may customize your dictionary to describe your particular subsystems and applications.
Customizing the Dictionary
Once you begin working in the dictionary, you may discover that a certain entity type needed in your
particular installation is not provided in the core set. You may create this entity type by means of the
structure command CREATE ENTITY-TYPE. For example, if you need to know which documents are filed
in which filing cabinet, you may create the entity type filing-cabinet and associate it with (relate it to)
the entity type document. In order to do this, a new relationship type called file-cabinet contains
document would also have to be created. The ability to make such changes to the System Dictionary
structure is provided by the structure commands. To use these commands, the dictionary must be opened
in customization mode and in either the DA scope or a scope with extend capability.
You cannot modify a compiled dictionary. If you specify any of the dictionary structure commands with a
compiled dictionary, System Dictionary issues an error message. Table 3-3 lists the structure commands
and their subcommands. The specific syntax for each of these commands is shown in Chapter 4, "System