HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

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The following is a list of the dictionary data maintenance commands and a description of each.
ADD Associates domains, entities, and relationships to a security scope and specifies the ac-
cess rights of the scope to the added entities and relationships.
COPY Creates a new entity (or version) and copies the source object's attributes and relation-
ships (and entities) to the new entity (or version).
CREATE Creates new entities, relationships, synonyms, scopes, versions, and domains.
DELETE Deletes entities, relationships, synonyms, scopes, versions, and domains.
EDIT Edits variable length attribute text belonging to entities and relationships.
MODIFY Modifies entities, relationships, scopes, scope-entities, scope-relationships, versions,
and domains.
REMOVE Removes domains, entities, and relationships from a scope. The opposite of the ADD
RENAME Renames entities, scopes, versions, and domains.
RENUMBER Assigns new numbers to the relationship position attribute of the relationships of a re-
lationship type.
RESEQUENCE Changes theorderof relationships. Resequencestherelationships of a relationshiptype.
SETVERSION Sets a version to one of three statuses: test, production, or archival.
Data Creation
Before you actually begin creating and manipulating dictionary data, you should be familiar with the core
set and the various entity types, relationship types, etc., that are available. (Refer to the HP System
Dictionary/XL General Reference Manual, Volume 1 for a complete description of the core set.) Once you
have done this, you are then ready to begin creating those entities and relationships that you need in your
One important aspect of data creation is the creation of entity names. Refer to the HP System Dictionary/
XL General Reference Manual, Volume 1 for discussions on entity naming, aliases, and synonyms.
Data Maintenance
After you have created entities, relationships, scopes, versions, etc., you can modify or delete them using
dictionary commands such as DELETE, EDIT, MODIFY, RENAME, etc. The dictionary must be open in
exclusive-update mode in order to delete, modify, or rename scopes, domains, and versions.
Table 4: Dictionary Data Maintenance Commands and Subcommands