HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

3- 33
>>RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = record, element;
>MODIFY ENTITY last-name; ENTITY-TYPE = element; Modifies attribute byte-length for entity last-
>CREATE SYNONYM surname; ENTITY-TYPE = element; Creates a synonym called surname for el-
ement last-name.
>>ENTITY = last-name.
>RESEQUENCE employee-record, social-security-no; Resequences the order of elements in the relation-
ship record
>>RELATIONSHIP-TYPE = record, element; contains element by putting social-security-no before
>>RELATIONSHIP-CLASS = contains; last-name.
>>BEFORE-ENTITY = last-name.
>RENAME VERSION testversion,V00-00. Renames the version from testversion to V00-00.
>SETVERSION V00-00; status = production. Sets the version V00-00 to production status.
>EXIT. Terminates the program.
Dictionary Reporting Commands
System Dictionary provides the capability to report on both the dictionary structure and the dictionary
data. Two options exist when retrieving information about the dictionary structure: (1) you can retrieve
all structure information, or (2) you can retrieve only the names of specified entries. However, you can
produce complex reports when retrieving information on dictionary data. Data reporting allows retrieval
of information on both data definitions (such as entity definitions) and relationship information. You can
specify and store reports on dictionary data for future use. After a report is stored, you can execute it at
any time by using the EXECUTE command.
To report on dictionary structure, the dictionary may be open in any open mode. However, to report on
dictionary data, the dictionary must be open in read-only, shared-update, or exclusive-update mode. The
System Dictionary reporting commands allow great flexibility through use of various selection criteria.
These criteria allow selection of fields to be returned through use of relational and Boolean operators. For
example, you can retrieve all values that start with an E or a G and end with a D. These selection criteria
are discussed later in this chapter.
You cannot modify a compiled dictionary. The only dictionary reporting commands you can specify with a
compiled dictionary are DISPLAY, EXECUTE, and REPORT. If you specify any of the other dictionary
reporting commands, System Dictionary issues an error message. Table 3-5 lists the dictionary reporting
commands and subcommands in System Dictionary. A detailed description of each command is located in
Chapter 4, "System Dictionary Commands."
Table 5: Dictionary Reporting Commands and Subcommands