HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

4- 49
The following example double spaces all output (every line is double spaced, not just between items as in
example 1) and sends the output to the printer.
>>TOP = 1;
>>BOTTOM = 0;
Creates a new entity and copies the source entity's attributes to the new entity.
CO[PY] E[NTITY] source-entity-name
;E[NTITY-]T[YPE] = entity-type-name
[;INT[ERNAL] = internal-name ]
source-entity-name Name of the entity to be copied.
target-entity-name External name of a new entity that has attribute values copied to it.
entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity to be copied.
internal-name Internal name of the target entity. If not specified, the internal name is the same as
the target-entity-name.
The target entity cannot already exist.
If the source entity is linked to a common entity, then the target entity is also linked to that common entity.
Note that this command does not copy the values of attributes of type alias. Since alias attributes are
alternate names used in external subsystems, a new set of alternate names is needed for the new entity.
Open Mode: Shared-update or exclusive-update
Scope: DA scope or any scope with create capability and read access to the source entity. The
scope with which the dictionary is open is the owner of the new entity.
The following example copies the attributes of the entity ship-date to the new entity purchase-date.
>COPY ENTITY ship-date, purchase-date;
>>ENTITY-TYPE = element.