HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

[,attribute-nameN =[attribute-valueN ]])]
[;C[OMMON] = common-entity-name ]
entity-name External name of the entity to be created.
entity-type-name Name of the type of the entity to be created.
internal-name Internal name of the entity to be created. If not specified, the internal name is the
same as the entity-name.
attribute-name(N) Name of the attribute to be assigned a value.
attribute-value(N) The value to be assigned to the attribute. If the attribute is a variable length at-
tribute, you must specify the value text within quotes. Also, if the attribute is of type
alias or character, and the attribute value includes invalid characters (See "User-De-
finedNames" inChapter3) orisgreaterthan32charactersinlength,youmustspecify
the attribute value within quotes.
common-entity-nameName of the entity in the common domain whose attributes are to be shared by the
localdomainentity beingcreated.This keywordisnot allowedif the dictionaryis open
in the common domain. If you specify this parameter, then the attribute list can con-
tain only the following attributes:
sensitivity Specifies the access rights to the entity
id-number Auser-specified identification number that is never checked for
uniqueness by System Dictionary
If you specify attributes other than these in the attribute list, then you must not use
this parameter.
System Dictionary automatically assigns values for the following attributes:
If you do not specify the attribute name, or if you specify the name but do not assign a value, the default
value from the attribute's edit values is used. If the attribute does not have any edit values, then the
System Dictionary default value for the attribute's data type is used.
alias : No alias is assigned
boolean : FALSE
character : ASCII blanks