HP System Dictionary/XL SDMAIN Reference Manual (32256-90001)

The default status for the first open is production. The version-status parameter is
used only if you do not specify version-name.
Once the dictionary is open you may redefine the environment while in a session. For example, you may
open a new dictionary, or the same dictionary with a different scope or open mode. It is not necessary to
respecify any parameters that remain the same after redefining the environment. For example, if you open
a new dictionary, but the scope, open mode, etc., are to be the same as in the previous DEFINE command,
the previous values carry over from the first DEFINE command.
If the dictionary was initially opened in customization mode and the new DEFINE calls for a change of the
dictionary or open mode, a RESTRUCTURE of the dictionary is automatically done. The restructure
operation may take some time if many dictionary occurrences are affected by the structure changes.
Open Mode: Any
Scope: Any
Remote Dictionary Access
System Dictionary includes a feature that allows you to access dictionaries on remote systems, a remote
system being any other system than the one to which you are currently logged on. The uses for this feature
are explained in the HP System Dictionary/XL General Reference Manual, Volume 1 (32256-90004). The
following information explains how to use this feature using the DEFINE command.
A remote dictionary is accessed by first establishing a session on a remote system, as shown in the example
below. The following names are used in the example:
For more information on system to system communications, refer to the NS3000/XL User/Programmer
Reference Manual or the NS3000/XL Network Manager Reference manual.
After the remote session has been established, the remote dictionary can be accessed by including the
Name Represents
REMOTESYS The name of the remote system
CORPINFO The account on the remote system that contains the specified that
contains the specified dictionary
MGR The user in account CORPINFO
COM.MFGCO The communications system being used
:DSLINE REMOTESYS Establishes communications to the REMOTESYS.COM.MFGCO
ENVIRONMENT 1: (Returned) name of the established line)
ENTER ACCOUNT PASSWORD: Password is "blind" for security reasons