MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 20
Enter an SR describing the problem. Send supporting material: A store tape with a copy of
all files used as input to SAINT, (NL, CME, DSXRT, EXTMILLI) a copy of the PME written,
and the SAINT program.
An SXRT file has not been defined
CAUSE The buildpme command has been entered with the sxrt option and the loadsxrt file
command has not been entered.
ACTION Enter the "loadsxrt file" command specifying a valid DSXRT file.
Zero SXRT entries found in DSXRT file
CAUSE The loadsxrt file command was entered specifying an empty DSRT file.
ACTION Enter the loadsxrt file command specifying a valid DSXRT file.
Internal ERROR. The SXRT file has not been specified
Internal ERROR. Default entries not available
CAUSE SAINT has reached a point where it thinks there is no SXRT file specified and it needs to get
SXRT entries. This is an internal error condition.
ACTION Enter an SR describing the problem and the steps taken. Send supporting material: a store
tape with a copy of all files used as input to SAINT, (NL, CME, DSXRT, EXTMILLI) a copy of
the PME written, and the SAINT program. Re-run the task specifying the loadsxrt file
command with a valid DSXRT’’ file.
Data region found in non-syslib file
CAUSE Wrong file name supplied in loadmill command.
ACTION Supply correct file name.
CAUSE Millicode file corrupt.
ACTION Re-install file from tape.
xxx is not a known loader fixup type
CAUSE Millicode or syslib file is corrupt.
ACTION Re-install file from tape.