MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 22
The display is sent to $STDLIST. The parameter symbolname may be entered in uppercase or lowercase or
mixed case, unless it is defined in a C procedure, in which case it must be entered in the specific case in which
it is listed out from the linker. If the symbol starts with an underbar, that should be entered as the first
If the values to be displayed are the result of modifications made earlier in the SOMPATCH utility session, then
the oldvalue|newvalue convention of the MODIFY command is used to indicate it. In the example below, only
the word at iobuf+10 has been modified since the user invoked the SOMPATCH utility. (It is currently
1234ABCD in the file and will be 200 if the program is terminated with an EXIT command or a SAVE
sp> display iobuf+2,3,?X
22222222 FFFFFFFF 1234ABCD200|
Error Messages
Symbol symbolname not found.
CAUSE The JCWs are set to their respective WARN status.
ACTION Use the FIND command to search for the symbol.
This command is used to exit the program and save the modifications made to the primary input file. To
obtain a backup copy, make one before running the SOMPATCH utility.
If the SOMPATCH utility is being run interactively and patch xx had an error, the following message is printed:
Error(s) in patch xx but valid modifies will be applied upon exit.
This command displays the following information about a symbol:
residency status (that is, memory resident, initially resident or neither)
index of SOM (that is, for a multi-SOM library, which SOM contains the symbol)
symbol type (CODE, DATA, PRIMARY PROGRAM, ...)
This command can also be used to look for a symbol when its name is not known.
F[IND] symbolspec
symbolspec The string name of an external symbol as given in the link map for the file being patched.
All symbols are case-sensitive.
The "at" symbol (@) may be used as a leading or trailing mask, as shown in the example below.