MPE/iX System Utilities Reference Manual (32650-90908)

Chapter 22
Illegal date specified--syntax YYMMDD.
CAUSE The date as specified, with defaults, is not a legal date.
ACTION Supply a date with the correct syntax.
Symbol not found.
CAUSE The symbol given in symbolspec was not in the symbol table for the file being queried.
ACTION Use a correct symbol.
This command causes the SOMPATCH utility to look only in the specified SOM for symbols. There are no SOM
errors when parameters are entered as specified. Remember to start indexing from zero.
If a name is given, it is a SOM not in the file. Try SOM @ to see what SOMs are in the file.
SOM [somindex ]
[somname ]
[@ ]
[? ]
somindex Specifies an index (starting at 0) of the desired SOM.
somname Indicates the name of the SOM (as shown by the LISTXL command in linker, or by SOM @.)
@ Shows all SOMs in the current file.
? Shows which SOM is current for patching.
This command finds the next level 1 procedure after the symbol+offset specified.
SYMBOL symbolname +- offset
symbolname The LST symbol name.
offset The byte offset of the patch from symbolname.
This command is used in generating level 1 patches for multi-SOM libraries.
For a very large file, such as the native mode system library, there may be a five-second to ten-second delay
for symbol lookup. In this case, the message searching... is displayed every 15,000 symbols.
For Pascal level 2 procedures, the code being patched is represented as a positive offset from the last level 1
procedure; however, this level 1 procedure is often in a different relocatable object file from the level 2
procedure being patched. This is because of the way that Pascal code is generated:
| Proc A’s Level 2 code|
| |
ProcA + 0000-->------------------------
| Proc A -- Level 1 |