NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

180 Chapter16
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
ACTION: The driver did not start up. There is probably an MPE
software installation problem, with incomplete or incompatible O/S
software. Verify the system is running an MPE release which supports
100-Mbit link drivers. The only other cause is a software bug; see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
76 ($4C) MESSAGE: Cannot get ADA memory object.
CAUSE: During initial startup, the driver attempted to obtain a memory
object via the I/O system, but received a bad status in the reply for that
ACTION: Probably the amount of frozen memory on the system is very
high; if you have the GLANCE tool you can try to check memory usage.
Try retrying the operation again later, or first terminate some
applications and then retry.
77 ($4D) MESSAGE: Cannot get a system timer.
CAUSE: The driver attempted to get a system timer from I/O Services
but encountered an error. This is either caused by exhausting all timers
due to heavy system load, or by system software either failing to release
timers, or having some other bug.
ACTION: This is a fatal software error. The number of available timers
is not configurable, and the driver cannot operate without the necessary
timers. Typically followed by another error giving more information
about what kind of timer the driver needed; check log data for that
error and look it up also. If you suspect a heavy load, you can try
shutting some processes down, then restart the driver. Otherwise halt
the system, take a memory dump, and reboot. See Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
78 ($4E) MESSAGE: Cannot reset a system timer.
CAUSE: The driver attempted to reset a system timer previously
obtained from I/O Services but encountered an error. This is likely
caused by a bug in system software, or by corruption of the driver’s PDA
context memory.
ACTION: This is a fatal software error. The driver cannot operate
without all necessary timers. If the problem persists, halt the system,
take a memory dump, and reboot. See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
79 ($4F) MESSAGE: Cannot free a system timer.
CAUSE: The driver attempted to release a system timer previously
obtained from I/O Services but encountered an error. This is likely
caused by a bug in system software, or by corruption of the driver’s PDA
context memory.
ACTION: This is a warning that some timer resources may have been
lost. Possibly followed by another error giving more information about
what kind of timer the driver was releasing; check log data for that