NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

194 Chapter16
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
NMCONFIG file. Using NMMGR, verify the path LINK.linkname
exists in the NMCONFIG file and is the exact same linkname which is
now being started. Verify the “Data=Y” flag is set at the top of that
LINK screen (meaning that ENTER has been pressed to save the
configuration data there). If the link is being used with NS or DTS, use
the VALIDATE function to validate the network configuration. Correct
any configuration errors and retry the operation.
204 ($CC) MESSAGE: Cannot read from link table.
CAUSE: Early in a link open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator attempted to determine if the link was already
running, by trying to read from the link table, but an error occurred
which was not one of the expected, legal errors the configurator was
designed to handle.
ACTION: If the linkname being started is a valid linkname, then there
may be a problem with Link Support Services. Halt the system, take a
system memory dump, then restart the system. If the problem still
occurs, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
205 ($CD) MESSAGE: Cannot add to link table.
CAUSE: During a link-open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator successfully started the driver, but
encountered an error trying to add the link to the link table.
ACTION: Possibly too many links are started. If not, try starting a
different link, tosee if that works.If not, first try doinga :LINKCONTROL
@ command to see if any LSS errors occur. If they do, you may need to
reinstall MPE software; contact your Hewlett-Packard Representative
for assistance. Otherwise try restarting the system to see if it corrects
the problem or LINKCONTROL errors. If none of these suggestions
helps, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
206 ($CE) MESSAGE: Cannot delete from link table.
CAUSE: During the final link-close operation by an upper level
subsystem, the link module deconfigurator attempted to delete the link
from the link table, but encountered an error.
ACTION: The module deconfigurator reported an error, but attempted to
continue with the close. Network management services may have been
shut down. Otherwise, if this happens every time, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
208 ($D0) MESSAGE: Cannot open tracing.
CAUSE: During a link-open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator found that the link was configured to enable
tracing at startup, but encountered an error trying to open the trace
ACTION: Using NMMGR, check if a filename was configured. If so,