NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

230 Chapter16
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
ACTION: If the operator already knows the driver is in the process of
being closed, this error can be ignored. The driver attempted to send an
error reply for the statistics request. The ISR may also be “dead” as a
result of a serious previous error. A diagnostic reset action may clear
this condition.
4150 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: During an attempt to establish the proper stack context within
which to begin 100VG-AnyLAN link training, the driver encountered
an error trying to start a timer (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the
call to vg_start_timer).
ACTION: This informational error should be preceded by another error
giving a more specific reason for the failure; check log data and look up
that error also, for more actions to take. The driver made no attempt to
finish the link training request or reply to its ISR. Most likely the
previous timer error was fatal and the driver is about to “die”, then will
either attempt an auto-reset or else require a manual shutdown and
4180 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: While attempting to forward successful or unsuccessful
100VG-AnyLAN link training results to its ISR, the driver encountered
an error (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the call to
vg_dvr_copy_send_to_isr). Probably no comm frame was available.
ACTION: This informational error should be preceded by another error
giving a more specific reason for the failure; check log data and look up
that error also, for more actions to take. The driver made no further
attempt to finish link training since it cannot communicate with its
ISR. Most likely the previous error was fatal and the driver is about to
“die”, then will either attempt an auto-reset or else require a manual
shutdown and restart.
4210 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: A driver request failed.
CAUSE: During a link close operation, the driver encountered an error
while unconfiguring the link (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the
call to vg_dvr_port_msg_exec).
ACTION: The subsystem close did not work. The driver attempted to
return an error reply to the sending subsystem. Reaction to that
message is subsystem-dependent. Probably the subsystem passed an
invalid open ID, or tried to close a link it had not opened. If this
problem happens every time the same subsystem is closed, submit an
CR against that subsystem, describing the problem; see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
4240 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot send a port message.
CAUSE: During a link close operation, the driver encountered an error
while sending an unconfigure reply message to an upper layer