NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

242 Chapter16
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
5600 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: During a 100VG-AnyLAN link training sequence, the driver
received the expected test interrupt, but encountered an error while
trying to stop and release a timer (“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call
to vg_stop_timer). This timer was used to wait for the test interrupt to
arrive. If this error is reported, it is because the driver has already
encountered some other error.
ACTION: This is a warning that some timer resources may have been
lost. The link did not connect. Typically preceded by another error
message giving better information about the original cause; check log
data for that error and look it up also. Unless this happens constantly,
the system should continue to run, and the driver will probably retry
the connect. If the problem happens every time, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
5630 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: During a 100VG-AnyLAN link training sequence, the driver’s
ISR module attempted to send a training request to its DVR module,
but encountered an error (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the call
to vg_isr_copy_send_to_dvr). Probably no comm frame was
ACTION: This informational error should be preceded by another error
giving a more specific reason for the failure; check log data and look up
that error also, for more actions to take. Most likely the previous error
was fatal and the driver is about to “die”, then will either attempt an
auto-reset or else require a manual shutdown and restart. The driver
stopped trying to connect the link.
5660 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: An expected PHY interrupt did not arrive.
CAUSE: During a 100VG-AnyLAN link training sequence, the driver
requested a test interrupt from the PHY chip on the adapter card, but
received a timeout instead (“Cause” is not used here). The driver cannot
connect the link if PHY interrupts do not work.
ACTION: Replace the adapter card. The link did not connect. If the
problem persists with a known good card, see Appendix A , “Submitting
a CR.
5690 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a hardware problem.
CAUSE: During a 100VG-AnyLAN link training sequence, the driver
attempted to enable broadcast packets, but encountered an error trying
to read from the network command register on the LAN Controller chip
(“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to vg_dio_read8). Most likely a
powerfail has occurred.
ACTION: If a power failure has actually occurred, this error can be
ignored; the driver should recover automatically. But if the same
problem happens every time, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.