NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 249
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
information about the original cause; check log data for that error and
look it up also. The driver did not dump, but will still attempt to
auto-reset itself, up to a total of 12 times or more.
If the problem persists, the system may be low on timers; try stopping
some applications before retrying again.
7040 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a hardware problem.
CAUSE: During a 10Base-T connect sequence on a 100VG-AnyLAN
adapter card, after resetting the PHY chip, the driver attempted to
check if the reset had finished, but encountered an error trying to read
from the generic status register on the chip (“Cause” = 32-bit status
from the call to vg_mii_read16). Most likely a powerfail has occurred.
ACTION: If a power failure has actually occurred, this error can be
ignored; the driver should recover automatically. Otherwise, the MII
bus may have failed; replace the adapter card. If the same problem
persists, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
7070 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver encountered a software problem.
CAUSE: During a 10Base-T connect sequence on a 100VG-AnyLAN
adapter card, the driver found the PHY chip was not reset yet, and
started to reset it again, but encountered an error while trying to get or
reset a timer (“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to vg_start_timer).
This timer was to be used to wait again for the PHY reset to finish; the
driver cannot connect the link if a PHY timer cannot be started. If this
error is reported, it is because the driver has already encountered some
other error.
ACTION: Typically preceded by another error message giving better
information about the original cause; check log data for that error and
look it up also. The driver did not dump, but will still attempt to
auto-reset itself, up to a total of 12 times or more. If the problem
persists, the system may be low on timers; try stopping some
applications before retrying again.
7100 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Adapter card PHY did not finish reset in the time allowed.
CAUSE: During a 10Base-T connect sequence on a 100VG-AnyLAN
adapter card, the driver tried 3 times to reset the PHY chip, but it still
did not go “ready” (“Cause” is not used here).
ACTION: This is a fatal hardware error. Replace the adapter card.
The driver cannot connect the link if the PHY will not reset. The driver
will enter a “broken” state and await a manual shutdown by the
operator. If you wish you may try running the VGPBA diagnostic and
attempt a reset, however it is unlikely this will fix the problem. If the
problem persists with a known good card, see Appendix A , “Submitting
a CR.