NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 267
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
caused the error. Activate link tracing, reproduce the problem, then
stop link tracing and save the resulting NMTCnnnn.PUB.SYS trace data
file. See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
8840 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Bad message for current state.
CAUSE: The driver received a utility register access request from an
upper level tool program such as PVGUTIL, at a time when the driver
was not able to process these requests, such as before initializing the
adapter card, during shutdown, or after a fatal software error
(“Cause” = 16-bit encoded value, giving driver input event code and
current state: HP use only).
ACTION: This problem most likely occurred while diagnosing some
previous problem. It will not be possible to complete these requests at
this time. The driver logged the error, then attempted to send an error
reply message back to the sender and continue.
Check the system console; if the driver is shutting down or doing a
dump, wait until that completes. If this happens regardless of when the
operation is attempted, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
8870 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: One or more bad utility parms passed to driver.
CAUSE: The driver received a utility register access request from an
upper level tool program such as PVGUTIL, but the register number
specified was out of the range of legal register values for the selected
register set (“Cause” = 32-bit value of the selected register-set number,
not register number: HP use only).
ACTION: This is an informational error only. Retry the operation using
a legal register number for the register set you have selected.
This problem most likely occurred while diagnosing some previous
problem. The driver logged the error, then attempted to send an error
reply message back to the sender and continue.
8900 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Bad message for current state.
CAUSE: The driver received a utility I/O request from an upper level
tool program such as PVGUTIL, at a time when the driver was not able
to process these requests, such as initializing the adapter card, during
shutdown, or after a fatal software error (“Cause” = 16-bit encoded
value, giving driver input event code and current state: HP use only).
ACTION: This problem most likely occurred while diagnosing some
previous problem. It will not be possible to complete these requests at
this time. The driver logged the error, then attempted to send an error
reply message back to the sender and continue.
Check the system console; if the driver is shutting down or doing a
dump, wait until that completes. If this happens regardless of when the
operation is attempted, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.