NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 269
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
the driver will attempt to auto-reset itself and continue. You may also
use VGPBA to attempt a manual reset of the driver, after which it may
be possible to continue.
9050 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: An illegal bind ID was encountered.
CAUSE: The driver finished transferring a data frame and was
preparing to pass it to an upper layer protocol, when it discovered the
rendezvous ID associated with the frame was out of range of legal ID
values for this driver (“Cause” = 32-bit value giving the bad ID which
was specified). The driver avoided a SysAbort by making this check.
ACTION: This is a fatal error. The driver will attempt to perform adump
of all host context memory data structures, then reset itself and
continue. Save the resulting NETDMP##.PUB.SYS dump data file for
analysis by Hewlett-Packard. If the problem occurs frequently, wait for
the problem to occur, then quickly take a system memory dump. See
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.”.
9140 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Error from upper layer protocol read completor.
CAUSE: The driver finished transferring a data frame and passed it to
an upper layer protocol, but the protocol’s read completor returned an
error which was not one of the expected, legal errors the driver was able
to handle (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned from the read completor).
ACTION: This is an informational error only. The driver incremented a
statistic, logged the error, then attempted to free the read buffer and
continue. However, the protocol may not have received the inbound
frame, therefore some applications could be hung.
There may be a problem in the upper layer protocol. Also, if the protocol
had already freed the buffer, this may have resulted in a SysAbort from
the Buffer Manager. If the problem occurs frequently, start link tracing,
reproduce the problem, then stop link tracing and save the resulting
NMTC####. PUB.SYS file for analysis by Hewlett-Packard, and see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
9170 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot send a port message.
CAUSE: The driver finished transferring a data frame, but encountered
an error while trying to send the frame to an upper layer protocol via a
port message (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the call to send_msg).
ACTION: This error is reported at a low level, where the actual send
fails. It should be followed by a another error giving more information.
Locate that error and look it up also. The driver will now attempt to
clean up and continue.
9200 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Error from upper layer protocol read completor.
CAUSE: The driver finished transferring a data frame, but encountered
an error while trying to send the frame to an upper layer protocol via a
port message (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the call to