NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 16 271
100VG-AnyLAN and HP-PB 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
message giving better information about the original cause; check log
data for that error and look it up also. Unless this happens constantly,
the system should continue to run, and the driver will probably retry
the connect. If the problem happens every time, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
9320 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Powerfail detected.
CAUSE: A driver DMA operation completed, but when the driver read
from an adapter card register (io_dma_link) to determine where DMA
ended, it found all ones. The driver has decided this indicated a power
failure has occurred (“Cause” is not used here).
ACTION: If a power failure has actually occurred, this error can be
ignored; the driver should recover automatically. But if the same
problem happens all the time, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
9380 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Driver is out of DMA resources.
CAUSE: When processing a received data frame, the driver successfully
obtained a new buffer, then was unable to obtain a DMA step to
transfer the frame into that buffer (“Cause” = 32-bit value of the ring
number which was out of steps: HP use only).
ACTION: This error indicates a bug in the link driver. The driver is
designed to avoid this situation through use of various queues and
checks. If the problem happens often, see Appendix A , “Submitting a
The driver reused the buffer and dropped the received packet. Upper
layer protocols typically retransmit lost packets, so operation of the
system and applications should continue with only minimal
9410 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Frame received when no queue entry was available.
CAUSE: When processing an interrupt for a received data frame, the
driver was not able to locate the adapter card data memory frame
containing the data (“Cause” is not used here). The driver thinks there
are no more adapter card memory frames in which to receive incoming
frames, yet the card has reported another frame anyway. The driver is
designed to maintain synchronization with the card, therefore it
appears that either an out-of-sync condition exists, or the card has a
ACTION: The driver acknowledged and dropped the interrupt and the
received packet. Many upper layer protocols typically retransmit lost
packets, so operation of the system and applications may continue with
only minimal degradation.
Exhausting all receive resources would be a highly unusual condition.
If all receive resources have really been exhausted, network load may
be extremely high, and/or the HP-PB bus may be preventing frames
from being returned to the card in a timely manner; incoming frames