NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

282 Chapter17
PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Generic Status Values
associated connections.
ACTION: Disconnect all the associated connections and try again.
45 ($2D) MESSAGE: Link has lost its connection to the remote link.
CAUSE: After the link has been established and both link stations are in
open state, a link station detected an inoperative condition in either the
remote link station or in the transmission medium (the recovery
attempt has failed). The driver informs the user that link is inoperative,
also, no link station resource has been deallocated.
ACTION: Send a Disconnect Request to the Driver and log the error.
46 ($2E) MESSAGE: Remote link has disconnected.
CAUSE: For the Disconnect Event, the remote link station issued a
Disconnect command to the link station, and the link station has
replied that disconnect command and notified the subsystem.
ACTION: According to the subsystem.
47 ($2F) MESSAGE: Link disconnected, although remote has not
CAUSE: The driver issued a disconnect command to the remote link
station as a result of receiving a Disconnect Request. No
acknowledgment has bee received from the remote link station and the
in station has been closed.
ACTION: According to the subsystem.
48 ($30) MESSAGE: An active connection with the remote link already exists.
CAUSE: The Driver is already configured.
ACTION: According to the subsystem.
81 ($51) MESSAGE: Link sharing conflicts with current usage.
A driver is being exclusively accessed by a subsystem already, no
resources have been allocated for the second subsystem.
A subsystem wants to have exclusive access to a “shared” driver
which is currently in use, no resources have been allocated.
Driver does not support link sharing.
Configurable parameters conflict.
ACTION: According to the subsystem.
82 ($52) MESSAGE: Configuration file access error.
CAUSE: A module Configurator/Deconfigurator detected an error in the
configuration file on accessing the configuration file.