NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 17 309
PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
ACTION: There is a problem in the upper-layer protocol. Attempt to
determine which application produced the error, then see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
223 ($DF) MESSAGE: One or more bad bind parms passed by upper level
CAUSE: This is a generic error, reported when the driver received a bind
(rendezvous) from an upper layer protocol, but the parameters in the
request were not satisfactory to the driver. There are a number of
separate causes; look up the specific sublocation code that was logged,
for more information.
ACTION: All such errors are caused by bugs in the upper layer protocol.
Attempt to determine what protocol was trying to bind, then see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
224 ($E0) MESSAGE: A data buffer is too long.
CAUSE: During diagnostic loopback testing, the driver was asked to
prepare a data block for transmission, but the block length or memory
allocation was beyond the driver’s DMA capabilities.
ACTION: This problem should only be seen in diagnostics, however it
should not be occurring at all. Specify a shorter loopback length, and
see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
225 ($E1) MESSAGE: One or more bad utility parms passed to driver.
CAUSE: The driver received a utility register access request from an
upper level tool program such as LNKUTIL, but the register number
specified was out of the range of legal register values for the selected
register set.
ACTION: This is an informational error only. This problem most likely
occurred while diagnosing some previous problem. Retry the operation
using a legal register number for the register set you have selected.
226 ($E2) MESSAGE: A data buffer is too short.
CAUSE: A diagnostic status, loopback, or statistics operation did not
provide a buffer large enough for the link driver to return all the driver
information being requested.
ACTION: All such errors are caused by version mismatches between the
link driver and the modules requesting the data, or bugs in the modules
requesting the data. Contact your Hewlett-Packard Representative to
determine if additional software patches are already available to
correct this problem.
232 ($E8) MESSAGE: Unsupported address format.
CAUSE: An upper layer protocol attempted to send data through the
link driver’s write initiator routine, using an address family which the
driver does not support.