NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 17 343
PCI 100Base-T Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
ignored. Otherwise, the I/O system may be confused. Either way, some
memory may have been lost. The driver will drop this message without
further action. If the problem occurs frequently, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
5010 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot release ADA memory object.
CAUSE: During shutdown, the driver requested the I/O system to
release a memory object, but received an error reply in response
(“Cause” = 32-bit status from the mem_reply message).
ACTION: This error should not occur. The driver may be confused, or
there is a system problem. However, the driver will ignore the error and
attempt to continue with the shutdown. If this problem happens
frequently when the driver is shutting down, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
5040 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Bad message for current state.
CAUSE: The driver received a release- memory reply message it was not
expecting (“Cause” = 16-bit encoded value, giving driver input event
code and current state: Hewlett-Packard use only).
ACTION: The driver may already have changed state because of a
shutdown or another problem, in which case this message can be
ignored. Otherwise, the I/O system may be confused. The driver will
drop this message without further action. If the problem occurs
repeatedly, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
5070 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Bad message for current state.
CAUSE: The driver received a request to reset itself too early in the
driver’s life cycle before it had ever brought up the adapter card, or at a
point late in shutdown when recovery is no longer needed
(“Cause” = 16-bit encoded value, giving driver input event code and
current state: Hewlett-Packard use only).
ACTION: This error is informational only. If the reset request was
manually sent by a user, such as via the VGPBA diagnostic tool, an
error reply will be returned; resets are not allowed (or needed) when
the driver is in the state it is currently in. If the reset was automatically
generated by the driver in response to some serious error it detected,
this log event means it is being ignored.
5100 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: A driver request failed.
CAUSE: During a link close operation, the driver encountered an error
while unconfiguring the link (“Cause” = 32-bit status returned by the
call to pbt_dvr_port_msg_exec).
ACTION: The subsystem close did not work. The driver attempted to
return an error reply to the sending subsystem. Reaction to that
message is subsystem-dependent. Probably the subsystem passed an
invalid open ID, or tried to close a link it had not opened. If this