NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

384 Chapter18
PCI LAPBMUX Link Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
disconnected, or on a link reconnect following a hub retrain, severe line
hit, power failure, or other recoverable error.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is needed unless the
message appears frequently while the link is up, indicating possible
cabling problems; make sure cabling is securely connected and properly
routed away from sources of interference.
7 ($07) MESSAGE: Link disconnected.
CAUSE: The last upper layer subsystem has unbound itself from the
driver, triggering a link disconnect. This event is also logged if the link
unexpectedly drops due to a cable disconnect, hub retrain request,
powerfail, severe line hit, or other recoverable error.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is required if the
network is being shut down. However, if the link was supposed to be up
or the message appears frequently while the link is up, this indicates
possible cabling problems; make sure cabling is securely connected and
properly routed away from sources of interference.
8 ($08) MESSAGE: Driver is shutting down.
CAUSE: The driver is being shut down. The last subsystem that was
using the driver is now closing it.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is required.
9 ($09) MESSAGE: Subsystem is binding to link driver.
CAUSE: An upper-layer protocol has successfully bound (rendezvoused)
to the link driver. Being bound means the driver can now route
incoming data frames to this protocol.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is required. If this is the
first bind, the link driver will now attempt to reconnect the link.
10 ($0A) MESSAGE: Subsystem is unbinding from link driver.
CAUSE: An upper-layer protocol has begun to unbind (separate) from
the link driver. Once unbound, the driver can no longer route incoming
data frames to this protocol.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is required. If this is the
last bind, the link driver will now attempt to disconnect the link.
11 ($0B) MESSAGE: Subsystem is closing link.
CAUSE: An upper level subsystem has called the link module
deconfigurator, which has successfully located the link, and will now
proceed to close it.
ACTION: This event is informational. No action is required.