NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 18 399
PCI LAPBMUX Link Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
228 ($E4) MESSAGE: One or more bad unbind parms passed by upper level
CAUSE: The driver received an unbind (separate) from an upper layer
protocol module, but the specified rendezvous ID was out of range of
legal rendezvous ID values for this driver, or the corresponding
rendezvous table entry state indicated no bind had occurred or an
unbind had already occurred. The protocol was supposed to pass a
rendezvous ID value previously returned to it by the driver, when that
protocol did a bind. The protocol may be trying to unbind twice, or
unbind from the wrong link.
ACTION: This problem most likely occurred while stopping a running
network subsystem. Attempt to determine which subsystem was being
stopped when the error occurred and, if possible, which upper layer
protocol was unbinding. Future attempts to start that same protocol
will probably fail until the entire network is stopped or the system is
rebooted. Either there is a bug in the driver or upper layer protocol
software, memory data corruption has occurred, or there is a system
software mismatch. You may require additional software patches;
contact your Hewlett-Packard Representative for assistance.
230 ($E6) MESSAGE: Module Configurator cannot get its context area.
CAUSE: During a link-open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator tries to get the context memory area for
validity, but found as invalid pointer. (“Cause” = 32-bit status saying
the context was not accessed).
ACTION: The module configurator’s context memory area is being
overwritten, or is not working properly. If this happens every time, wait
until the next time the link is to be closed; instead of closing the link,
halt the system and take a memory dump, and see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR.
235 ($EB) MESSAGE: The same upper level protocol attempted to bind twice.
CAUSE: The driver received a bind (rendezvous) from an upper layer
protocol module, but when it attempted to save information about that
protocol's address (SAP), a lower-level routine reported an error
because the address is already in the driver’s rendezvous table.
ACTION: Attempt to determine which subsystem was being started
when the error occurred and, if possible, which upper layer protocol was
binding. If a duplicate address is in the table already, either an attempt
has been made to start the same subsystem twice, or a previous
instance of that subsystem did not properly shut down; a system reboot
may be required to shut it. Otherwise there could be a driver bug, if two
protocols are truly different but the driver thinks they are the same.
Shut down the network and restart it. If the problem happens every
time, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.