NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 18 413
PCI LAPBMUX Link Error Messages
SDI Driver Specific Status Values
ACTION: This is an informational warning only. The module
configurator will leave the link driver up and stop trying to start it
again. Usually preceded by another error.
1720 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot add to link table.
CAUSE: During a link-open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator successfully started the driver, but
encountered an error trying to add the link to the link table
(“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to lsslktbladd).
ACTION: The module configurator cleaned up and returned an error to
the subsystem.
Possibly too many links are started.
If not. try starting a different link, to see if that works. If not, first try
doing a :LINKCONTROL @ command to see if any LSS errors occur. If
they do, you may need to reinstall MPE software; contact your
Hewlett-Packard Representative for assistance. Otherwise try
restarting the system to see if it corrects the problem or
LINKCONTROL errors. If none of these suggestions helps, see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
1740 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot update to link table.
CAUSE: During a link-open operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module configurator successfully started the driver, but
encountered an error trying to update the link to the link table
(“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to lsslktbladd).
ACTION: The module configurator cleaned up and returned an error to
the subsystem.
Possibly too many links are started.
If not. try starting a different link, to see if that works. If not, first try
doing a :LINKCONTROL @ command to see if any LSS errors occur. If
they do, you may need to reinstall MPE software; contact your
Hewlett-Packard Representative for assistance. Otherwise try
restarting the system to see if it corrects the problem or
LINKCONTROL errors. If none of these suggestions helps, see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR.
1760 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: Cannot freeze a memory area.
CAUSE: During a link-close operation by an upper level subsystem, the
link module deconfigurator was preparing to send new configuration
data to the driver, but encountered an error while trying to freeze that
data into memory (“Cause” = 32-bit status from the call to freeze).
ACTION: The system may be low on available memory. Try closing any
unnecessary applications or sessions and retry the operation. The
driver did not receive the updated configuration data. The module
deconfigurator attempted to continue with the close. If this happens