NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

464 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
Logging Subsystems
All logging is configured in NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. See Using the Node
Management Services (NMS) Utilities manual for more details on
logging and configuration.
Network Transport Subsystem Logging
Logging location codes are used by all modules of the Network
Transport (SUB0003) to give uniqueness to each and every point at
which an event is logged. Location codes make it easy to locate the
logging call in the source code, as well as to be able to explain a
particular instance of an error. Since the same error code, for example,
may be logged in different parts of the same module, the error may be
the same, but the meaning and action to take may be different.
Logging is the only source of information for Network Transport
activities. The user or network manager cannot monitor Network
Transport events if logging is not enabled for that subsystem.
Each Network Transport logging table contains a list of the logging
location code, logging class, explanation, and action for an individual
logging message. The explanation for each logging location code
SUB0028 CLAS0010 Errors
Lap B Link CLAS0012 Informational messages
SUB0040 CLAS0001 Catastrophic errors
Remote Link Manager CLAS0002 Serious errors
CLAS0003 Notable errors
CLAS0004 Nodal messages (start/stop)
CLAS0005 Informative messages
SUB0057 CLAS0001 Fatal errors
SNMP CLAS0002 Serious errors
CLAS0003 Warnings
CLAS0004 Informational messages
SUB0061 CLAS0001 Errors
Token Ring Link CLAS0002 Warnings
CLAS0003 Informational messages
SUB0067 CLAS0001 Errors
Table 21-1 Logging Subsystems and Class Names
Subsystem Name Class Name Events