NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 483
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
For X.25 links (and/or hardwired terminals), if a DTC link is in use the
DTC and network links may have same physical path specified in
NMMGR; try specifying separate physical LAN cards. Make sure the
DTC configuration was validated with NMMGR. Another common
cause with X25 networks is that the NMCONFIG file may have
specified a DTC address or card which is inoperative or does not exist,
resulting in one or more timeouts, some of which may have been
accidentally sent to NETCP. Using NMMGR, compare the specified
DTC configuration with the actual DTC hardware, and delete any DTC
cards that are not physically present. Any DTC changes made, or
re-validation of the DTC configuration, may require a system restart to
take effect.
If the problem persists after investigating all these causes, see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
45 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: BUFFER MANAGER; Buffer manager error
CAUSE: While NETCP was starting a specific network NI, an attempt to
create a frozen outbound buffer pool for that NI failed (PARM = 32-bit
status returned by the call to bmgr_create_pool).
ACTION: The NI did not start. Using NMMGR, check the configured
packet size for the affected link. In particular, look for a packet size of
8224, which may indicate the NMCONFIG file has been corrupted,
probably by an incompatible version of NMMGR. If the packet size is
configured correctly, then depending on the error, it is possible too much
frozen memory is being used by the system, but this can change with
time. Use GLANCEXL or a similar utility to check memory usage by
the system. If these are not the causes and the problem persists even if
retried after a suitable waiting period, see Appendix A , “Submitting a
CR,” of this manual.
50 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Transport start
CAUSE: As one of the first things it does during initial startup, NETCP
logs that a new instance of Transport is starting (PIN=0, and PARM =
PIN number of the NETCP system process).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message only. It does not imply
successful startup, only that a startup is beginning. When starting
Transport after a previous instance of it has just been stopped, it is
possible for this message to appear before the other instance’s
Transport stop message appears.
51 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Transport stop
CAUSE: As one of the last things NETCP does during shutdown, it logs
that instance of Transport has stopped. After this, NETCP will close
logging access, disconnect from NMMON, release its message port, then
terminate (PARM = 0).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message only. It is only logged
after all outstanding replies have been received from the general