NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

496 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
293 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Auto dial failure
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that its LAPB PSI’s autodial operation failed due to
an internal autodialer problem (PARM = 16-bit internal ldev number of
the device).
ACTION: Check the autodialer cabling and strapping or configuration,
and diagnose the autodialer hardware. Then retry the operation.
294 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: PACKET DISCARD; Illegal phone number
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that its LAPB PSI card was passed a bad autodial
telephone number (PARM = 16-bit internal ldev number of the device).
ACTION: Use NMMGR to check the syntax of the telephone number in
the NMCONFIG file for the affected link. Then retry the dialing
operation. If the problem persists, see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,
of this manual.
295 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: PACKET DISCARD; Auto dial not completed
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that a LAPB PSI’s autodial operation was not
completed, possibly because the site being dialed is either busy or not
picking up (PARM = 16-bit internal ldev number of the device).
ACTION: Attempt to dial out again at a later time, or reconfigure the
remote site and the local NMCONFIG mappings to provide additional
phone connections into that site.
296 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; No auto dialer power
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that its LAPB PSI autodial operation was
attempted while the autodialer hardware was not powered up (PARM =
16-bit internal ldev number of the device).
ACTION: Turn on the autodial unit and check for power and correct
cabling. Then attempt to dial out again.
303 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: OUTBOUND; Data line occupied
CAUSE: NETCP received an asynchronous event message from the
DCLDM indicating that its LAPB PSI autodial failed because the line
was busy or a phone line was not available (PARM = 16-bit internal
ldev number of the device). (Some pre-5.0 versions of Transport also
incorrectly reported wrong autodialer cables under this location; now
see error 674).
ACTION: Attempt to dial out again later when a phone line is free.