NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 21 517
Logging Location Codes
Control Process Logging Location Codes
ni_module_deconfig). Always preceded by another error from another
entity (having a different Entity number, such as 151–160), indicating
the cause of the original failure.
ACTION: This error in itself was not fatal, and shutdown continued.
However, some system resources may be lost until after the next system
restart. Inspect the previous error and if necessary, see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
643 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Internal resource error
CAUSE: While stopping an NI because a network was being shut down,
NETCP tried to free a NIB (Network Interface Block) it had previously
allocated for the NI, but was unable to locate that NIB in other NETCP
tables (PARM = 32-bit address of the missing NIB).
ACTION: This error in itself was not fatal, and shutdown continued.
However, NETCP may be confused. If the problem occurs repeatedly,
see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
644 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Configuration file error
CAUSE: While initializing an NI for a network that was being started,
NETCP was unable to read the global information record from the
NETXPORT.NI.name path in the NMCONFIG file (PARM = 32-bit status
returned by the call to nmconfgetdata).
ACTION: The NI did not start. Stop the network, run NMMGR, and
check the NI configuration for the NI which did not start. Validate the
file. Then restart the network. If the problem persists, the NMCONFIG
file may be corrupt, or there may be a bug in the NMS subsystem,
NMMGR, or NETCP; see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this
645 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: INTERNAL ERROR; Internal resource error
CAUSE: While stopping an NI because of a system shutdown or a
:NETCONTROL STOP command, NETCP was unable to delete the port
message pool it previously created for that NI and its attached protocols
(PARM = 32-bit status returned by the call to purge_pool).
ACTION: This error in itself was not fatal, and shutdown continued.
However, some amount of system memory that had been used by the
message pool may be inaccessible until after the next system restart. If
this problem happens repeatedly, there may be an operating system
problem or a bug in NETCP; see Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of
this manual.
CAUSE: While initializing a new NI for a network that was being
started, NETCP successfully created a port message pool for use by that
NI and its attached protocols, but was unable to put the pool ID into a
new entity named “IP-NI” in the NS Registry (PARM = 32-bit status