NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

548 Chapter21
Logging Location Codes
Dial ID Logging Location Codes
9 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The sending of a link shut message to the Control Process using
DICTSEND failed (PARM = result code of DICTSEND call).
ACTION: Informational message.
10 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The status returned from the Control Process attempting to
download the phone number to the device (PARM = result of
ACTION: Verify that the phone number is correct in the configuration
file. See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
11 CLAS0001 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A port message was received on the timer subqueue but was not
a timer message (PARM = function code of received message).
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
16 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The maximum number of retransmissions has occurred over a
link (PARM = index of the device that retransmission had occurred).
ACTION: Verify why the remote node is not responding to the Dial ID
packets. It is also possible that the remote node could be so congested
that either the number of retransmissions or the retransmission
interval configured for the Dial ID protocol is too short. Increase one of
these values if the problem persists.
17 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A Dial ID transaction has been initiated over a device from the
local node (PARM = index of the device).
ACTION: Informational message.
18 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A Dial ID transaction has completed over a device (PARM =
completion code and index of the device). The completion code is
contained in the 4 upper bits of the PARM. (Completion codes are: (0)
successful completion; (1) Retries exhausted; (3) PDX'NAME'CACHE
failed; (5) Request rejected by either the local or remote node; (6)
internal error. The index of the device is contained in the lower 12 bits).
ACTION: Informational message.
19 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A remote node is attempting connection and has failed because
of one of the following reasons: (1) There is no mapping entry
configured for the node attempting connection on a particular device;
(2) There is a dial request outstanding to a node with a different IP