NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 589
Logging Location Codes Continued
Net Timers Logging Location Codes
1080 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Cannot reset a systimer
CAUSE: While attempting to stop, restart, or reschedule an existing
system timer, the system routine Reset_timer_in_heartbeats failed
or reported a status which was not expected given the current state of
Net Timers. Resetting a system timer is a normal operation done
whenever the first interval in a timer list changes (PARM = status from
Reset_timer_in_heartbeats, PORT = address of timer list).
ACTION: Unless there is corruption within system timers, this probably
indicates a Net Timers bug. Another remote possibility is that the Net
Timers port data has been corrupted from outside, so other, possibly
serious problems may soon appear as well. All timers associated with
the faulty system- timer are now stalled, and will probably never pop.
Depending on your configuration, this may or may not affect all timers
on that system's network. Submit an CR.
1120 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Cannot get a systimer
CAUSE: While attempting to obtain a new system timer, the system
routine Get_timer_in_heartbeats failed. Getting a new system timer
is done the first time each configured timer list is used, and also during
normal processing of race conditions when no cached timer was
available (PARM = status from Get_timer_in_heartbeats, PORT =
address of timer list).
ACTION: Unless there is corruption within system timers, the system
has probably run out of timers; this might be indicated by a PARM
value of FFFE006E: no entry available. If the error occurred when
getting a new timer, no new timer was obtained. If it occurred on a
reset, the timer was not reset and has been left stopped; all timers to be
associated with that system timer are now stalled, and will probably
never pop. Depending on your configuration, this may or may not affect
all timers on that system’s network. Submit an CR.
1160 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: Cannot get interval head
CAUSE: This is supplemental logging to a previous Net Timers error.
While attempting to start a new net timer or restart an existing one, as
part of a higher level reset or get timer operation, it was determined
that a new interval was needed, but the free pool was empty, preventing
allocation of a new interval head element. A new interval is required
whenever there is no open interval positioned where a timer entry
needs one. (PORT = net timer ID).
ACTION: Review information regarding the previous errors, for possible
hints as to the cause. Other processes on the system have used up all
the free entries in the pool.
1180 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Timer list is stalled
CAUSE: This is supplemental logging to a previous Net Timers error.
While attempting to start a net timer as part of a higher level reset or
get timer operation, there was a problem resetting the system timer