NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

598 Chapter22
Logging Location Codes Continued
Net Timers Logging Location Codes
ACTION: Net Timers will report the failure as a warning and continue
with the shutdown. One message port may have been lost, but probably
not any message frames; if this continues, the system could eventually
run out of ports. Submit an CR.
4120 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Frozen memory remains
CAUSE: During shutdown, while Net Timers was attempting to
unfreeze its previously frozen context memory (port data area or PDA),
the system routine Unfreeze reported an error. Unfreezing the PDA is
normally done during any Net Timers shutdown, in preparation for
freeing the PDA object (PORT = port data address, PARM = status from
ACTION: Net Timers will report the failure as a warning and continue
with the shutdown. Some memory space may be lost until the next
system startup, but unless this happens repeatedly, the system should
continue to run. Submit an CR.
4140 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: Unfreed objects remain
CAUSE: During shutdown, while Net Timers was attempting to release
its context memory (port data area or PDA), the system routine
Release_object reported an error. Freeing of the PDA is the final
stage of resource cleanup by Net Timers during any shutdown (PORT =
port data address, PARM = status from Release_object).
ACTION: Net Timers will report the failure as a warning and continue
with the shutdown. Some memory space may be lost until the next
system startup, but unless this happens repeatedly, the system should
continue to run. Submit an CR.
4280 CLAS0004 MESSAGE: NMMGR fail, defaults used
CAUSE: While attempting to compute its configuration limits from the
NETXPORT. GPROT. TCP node of the NMCONFIG. PUB. SYS file, the
system routine Nmconfgetdata reported an error. Unable to read config
data, a default configuration was selected as a backup just to get the
network going (PARM = status from Nmconfgetdata).
ACTION: This failure was reported as a warning and Net Timers then
continued with the startup, using a large default configuration. It is
unlikely the default configuration will match your needs as well as a
computed one, however your network may still run correctly. Check to
make sure you have configured the TCP protocol into your network,
specifying some maximum number of connections. Also check to make
sure the NMCONFIG file is available and not being accessed at the
current time. If necessary, submit an CR, specifying the PARM value
from the logging message.
4300 CLAS0004 MESSAGE: Already up, start ignored
CAUSE: An attempt was made to start Net Timers up during or after a
successful startup, but before a complete shutdown. Multiple startups