NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 603
Logging Location Codes Continued
NETIPC Logging Location Codes
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
26 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Error in call to dict_find.
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
27 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Unable to create socket record.
ACTION: This is typically not an error condition. A total of at least 8000
socket records can be opened simultaneously on your system. If you do
believe that there are not that many sockets opened then submit an CR.
Otherwise run your application when there are fewer NETIPC
applications active on your system.
30 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Error in call to dict_find.
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
32 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Failed to allocate an address.
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
33 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Protocol module error.
ACTION: Verify the protocol module is active. See Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
34 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Table Manager error.
ACTION: See Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual.
35 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Failure in freezing the GSXDS. The GSXDS is a data structure
internal to the NETIPC Subsystem.
ACTION: Check the memory allocation on your system and see
Appendix A , “Submitting a CR,” of this manual if a CR is needed.
36 CLAS0000 MESSAGE: Internal error.
CAUSE: Failure in creating new process.
ACTION: Check the files in NET.SYS to ensure that all networking
programs are installed. For example, make sure that
PT2PNSTN.NET.SYS exists. If files are ok, then see Appendix A ,
“Submitting a CR,” of this manual to submit a CR.