NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 669
Logging Location Codes Continued
TCP Logging Locations
10704 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Attempt to unfreeze user data vector failed.
ACTION: PARM is memory manager error returned. Submit an CR.
10801 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: NMCLOSETRACE returned a bad status during an IPCCONTROL
traceoff call.
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10802 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: NMOPENLOG returned a bad status during network startup.
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10803 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: NMMONSTARTREQ call returned a bad status during network
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10804 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Bad status was returned in a message from the TCP SIP during
network startup. The TCP SIP initialization has failed.
ACTION: PARM is TCP SIP initialization error. Look for a logging
indication explaining TCP SIP initialization failure. Submit an CR.
10805 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Bad status was returned from NMCLOSELOG. This was called
during system shutdown.
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10806 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Bad status was returned from NMMONDELETEID. This was called
during system shutdown.
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10807 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Bad status was returned from NMCLOSELOG during network
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.
10808 CLAS0002 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: NMWRITETRACE call returned a bad status while tracing a data
ACTION: PARM is the NMS error returned. Submit an CR.