NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

Chapter 22 677
Logging Location Codes Continued
TCP Logging Locations
packet using tracing or a line analyzer. Report an error against the
remote implementation.
12507 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: The remote connection half has sent data with a sequence
number which exceeds the fin sequence number which the remote sent
previously. This is a remote protocol violation.
ACTION: Capture data traffic including offending fin and following data
packet using tracing or a line analyzer. Report an error against the
remote implementation.
12601 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: A packet was received which contained a TCP header with a
max tpdu option which had an incorrect option length in the option
length field.
ACTION: Capture data traffic including offending data packet using
tracing or a line analyzer. Report an error against the remote
12701 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP SIP sent out a reset for a packet with the ack flag set that
was received on a socket in listen state.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required.
12702 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: TCP SIP tossed a packet with the ack and syn flags set that
was received for a socket in the listen state.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required.
12801 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: Inbound packet received for a closed (not opened) sap, so the
TCP SIP will send a reset.
ACTION: Informative message. No action required. Start service or open
correct SAP if necessary. PARM is SAP for which packet is bound.
13001 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: IPC called tcp_receive_reply, but TCP did not have any
record of data outstanding to IPC.
ACTION: Submit an CR.
13101 CLAS0003 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: IPC called tcp_receive_reply, but TCP data indicates that
IPC should not be in data receptive state.
ACTION: Submit an CR.