NS3000/iX Error Messages Reference Manual (36923-90043)

706 Chapter22
Logging Location Codes Continued
X.25 Logging Location Codes
166 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because it
requested throughput class negotiation, and this facility set does not
negotiate throughout class (PARM = Device ID, VC number, cause,
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. If you want to negotiate
throughput class, modify the facility set.
167 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the
address of the calling node was not in the SVC path table and the
address key POOL was not configured (PARM = Device ID, VC number,
cause, diagnostic).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. If you want to accept
this call, either enter this node’s X.25 address in the SVC path screen,
or enter “POOL” as the address key.
168 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the
security flag in the SVC path table specified that inbound calls from
this address are not allowed (PARM = Device ID, VC number, cause,
ACTION: This is an informative message. If you want to accept this call,
set the security flag to IN for this the SVC path.
169 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the
facility set associated with this address does not exist (PARM = Device
ID, VC number, cause, diagnostic).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message.
170 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the
Closed User Group number in the packet does not match the number in
the facility set (PARM = Device ID, VC number, cause, diagnostic).
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. If you want the system
in the Closed User Group, modify the facility set.
171 CLAS0005 MESSAGE: None
CAUSE: An incoming connection request was rejected because the
TCP/IP protocol was requested but the call packet contained the fast
select with restriction facility (PARM = Device ID, VC number, cause,
ACTION: None. This is an informative message. To accept this call,
modify the remote machine so that fast select restriction is not set.