NS3000/iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual - Edition 8 (36922-90038)

152 Chapter7
X.25 Network Interface Configuration Screens
Internet Protocol Configuration
Class C: C nnn.nnn.nnn xxx
Class B: B nnn.nnn xxx.xxx
Class A: A nnn xxx.xxx.xxx
where nnn is a value ranging from 000 to 255,
representing eight bit of the network portion of an
address and xxx is a value ranging from 000 to 255,
representing the node portion of an address.
The leftmost group of nnn has the following ranges for
each address class:
Class C: 192–223
Class B: 128–191
Class A: 001–126
Network and node values of all zeros or all ones are not
allowed. These are special values.
Default value: None, but a value must be supplied.
IP subnet
mask The IP subnet mask masks a portion of the IP address
for subnets. The subnet is specified in the same format
as an IP address; that is, the 32-bit mask is grouped in
octets expressed as decimal integers and delimited by a
“. or a space. For example, a mask for a class A address
with the subnet field being the first 8 bits of the node
portion would be expressed as 255 255.000.000. The
default is no IP mask.
Refer to the HP 3000/iX Network Planning and
Configuration Guide for more details on subnets.