NS3000/iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual - Edition 9 (36922-90040)

1 Overview
NS 3000/iX network subsystems on HP e3000 computers are configured
using a utility called the node management configuration manager
(NMMGR). NMMGR uses a series of VPLUS screens to display and
accept configuration data. Configuration data is stored in a
hierarchically structured file, of file type NCONF, called
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS. The network services, network transport, data
communications configurator, and logging services use
NMCONFIG.PUB.SYS to get the information they need to operate.
NMMGR may be used to configure the network in two ways.
Guided Configuration directs you through an established
sequence of configuration screens for the type of network you are
configuring. In general, you should always use Guided Configuration
to establish your initial network configuration and in most cases for
network maintenance and updating.
Unguided Configuration (manual configuration) allows a more
random type of access to NMMGR screens. Unguided configuration
is more appropriate when examining or modifying the fields of a
single screen or of a few specific screens.
These two methods are not mutually exclusive; they may, with some
restrictions, be used in conjunction with one another during
configuration. Refer to Chapter 2 , “Introductory Screens,” (Figure 2-1)
for the screen flow of the introductory screens for guided and unguided