NS3000/iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual - Edition 9 (36922-90040)

186 Chapter8
Token Ring Network Interface Configuration Screens
Token Ring Network Interface Links
Token Ring Network Interface Links
The Token Ring Network Interface Links screen (#90) in Figure 8-7 is
displayed when you press the
[Go To LINK] function key at the Token
Ring Network Interface Configuration screen (Figure 8-3). It is also
displayed when you type the path name:
in the command window of any screen and press the [Enter] key, where
NIname is a configured Token Ring NI.
Figure 8-7 Token Ring Network Interface Links Screen
Use the fields and the function keys of this select screen to bind the
Token Ring NI to the link. Enter the link name in the Link name field
and press the
[Save Data] key. (If you wish to rename the link, simply
enter the new name and press the
[Save Data] key.)