NS3000/iX NMMGR Screens Reference Manual - Edition 9 (36922-90040)

Chapter 9 211
FDDI Network Interface Configuration Screens
Neighbor Gateway Reachable Networks
Fields Neighbor gateway IP internet address
Enter the full network address of a gateway node (on
this network) that is to be used to reach other networks
(any network in the same internetwork other than the
network of which this node is a member). The network
portion of the address must be the same as that entered
on the IP Protocol Configuration screen for the network
interface you are configuring; however, the node portion
need not match.
There are two methods of entering an internet protocol
(IP) address within NMMGR:
1. Enter the fully qualified IP address (for example,
Class C, C 192.191.191 009)
2. Enter only the network (nnn) and node (xxx)
portions of the IP address as four positive integers
between 0 and 255 separated by periods or blanks
(for example,
You need not enter the following items as NMMGR
will fill these in:
– Class A, B, C
– Leading zeros for the network and node portion of
the IP address.
Addresses are made up of a network portion and a
node portion. The supported classes of network
addresses have the following forms:
Class C: C nnn.nnn.nnn xxx
Class B: B nnn.nnn xxx.xxx
Class A: A nnn xxx.xxx.xxx
where nnn is a value ranging from 000 to 255,
representing eight bits of the network portion of an
address and xxx is a value ranging from 000 to 255,
representing the node portion of the address.
Note that network and node values of all zeros or all
ones are not allowed. These are special values.