
Chapter 4 Configuration
Expert Controller Options
The Expert Controller Options dialog box allows you to inspect and/or change
expert-level Controller Options. Use the default option settings unless you have a
high degree of expertise with Controller Options.
Figure 4-24. Expert Controller Options Dialog Box
Click the Expert button in the Advanced Controller Options dialog box to open
the Expert Controller Options dialog box. See Figure 4-23 and 4-24.
The Expert Controller Options dialog box provides you with the following
Set the following options to the defaults by Enabling (checking) or Disabling (un-
checking) the options.
Enable Simplex No RSTCOM - Allows a controller not to assert a reset
signal to its partner controller. Simplex environments only.
Enable Left Symmetric RAID 5 Algorithm - Changes a Right
Symmetric RAID 5 parity scheme to Left Symmetric. This item is
available only when there are no logical drives defined.
Enable On Q Full Give Busy - When a command is received and the
controller detects a full queue, it will return a "busy" status rather than
Queue Full. This helps hosts systems that do not accurately deal with
Queue Full status.