
Storage Server Interface (SSI) to the Tape Library
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DSM/Tape Catalog User’s Guide 520233-008
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Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Facility
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Facility
The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) facility is a library of procedures that let one
process (the caller process) have another process (the server process) execute a
procedure call as if the caller process had executed the procedure call in its own
address space (as in the local model of a procedure call). Because the caller and
server are two separate processes, they need not be on the same physical system.
Using the RPCINFO Utility
The RPCINFO utility is useful for listing the RPC services on a particular host, testing
the availability or version of a particular service, or sending a broadcast to find out
which hosts support a particular program and version. Super-group members can use
RPCINFO to delete a registration for a particular program and version on the local
-p [ -u | -t ] [ host ]
probe the portmapper on host and print a list of all registered RPC programs.
Communication with the portmapper occurs through UDP if -u is specified and
through TCP if -t is specified. If neither is specified, TCP is used. If host is not
specified, the local host name is used.
The value for host can be a DNS name or an IP address expressed in dotted
decimal not
[ -n portnum ] -u host program [ version ]
make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host using
UDP (-u) and report whether a response was received.
The value for program can be a name or a number
[ -n portnum ] -t host program [ version ]
make an RPC call to procedure 0 of program on the specified host using
TCP (-t) and report whether a response was received.
The value for program can be a name or a number.
Note. An RPC program might be unavailable even though it shows up on the list of registered
services. The server providing the service might have ceased to function without unregistering
the service with the portmapper. See
Running the Portmapper on page 8-4. To check the
availability of a particular service, use the -u and -t opt
ions. To remove a leftover registration if
the service is no longer available, use the -d option.
RPCINFO [ option ]